Tea Reviews

This is where you can find the reviews of various tea orders.

How I get my boba teas are: 0 Sugar/Sweetness, and around 30-50 ice level. I also tend not to get tapioca pearls because I simply do not like them. Any variations on this template will be noted in each review.

You can find all the places I have been to on my Tea Haunts page.

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Started posting Comics online

New Comic Fury site

I don’t really post much about my art on this blog, but I wanted to make it known that I’ve made a ComicFury and will be posting 4-6panel comics about random life experiences I’ve had. I hope you all like it, if you decide to check it out.…

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All Normal Reviews

Lightning Round – Clearing out the Backlog

So I definitely still have a huge backlog of tea reviews that I have to post, so instead of keeping you all waiting any longer for my riveting opinions on hot and cold Leaf Water, I’m just going to post my bulleted notes in one big post so we can all move on into the…

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Morning Glory

I was hanging out with my friend from college in February, and I was finally able to bring them to HH Tea, the tea shop by campus I went to a lot during my time there. I noticed that they had a newer type called the Morning Glory tea, which intrigued me since it had…

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Rosewater Hot Tea

I used to be a pretty frequent visitor to the Frederick Social Cafe, so much so that I was known as The Tea Boy by one of the employees. Because of this, one fateful day at the end of February, I asked for a hot tea while waiting for my friend to meet me there;…

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These first few reviews were originally posted in a group chat, which is why they read much less formal than the rest on this blog

Group chat Tea Reviews

Yin and Yang with Milk and Herbal Pudding

Originally posted in GroupMe on 12/31/2021 Well. I did what I normally do for my orders (No sugar, 30-50 ice) and honestly, this is one of the times I wished I had added a bit more sugar. I got the Yin and Yang…

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Lychee Oolong

Originally posted in GroupMe on 12/29/2021 Friends, I have to be honest. I didn’t think I’d like the Lychee Oolong. I don’t like the ‘chee by itself but honestly, the roasted smokey flavour of the oolong really blends well with the, honestly kind…

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